SOLD AS A PAIR. 2 screws total.
(#1) Trijicon RMR/SRO - #6-32 x 7/16" IP15 (equal length)
(#1) Holosun K Series - #6-32 x 7/16" IP15 (equal length)
(#2) Holosun 407c/507c/508t/COMP - #6-32 x 5/16" IP15 (equal length)
(#3) Vortex Viper/Swampfox Sentinel - #6-32 x 3/8" IP10 (equal length)
(#4) EPS/EPS Carry - #6-32 x .360" IP15 (equal length)
(#5) Shield RMS/c - #6-32 x 3/8" IP15 (equal length)
(#6) Vortex Venom - #6-32 x 7/16" 7/64 Hex (equal length)
(#7) Glock MOS+ RMR/SRO - #6-32 x .370" IP15 (equal length)
(#8) Burris Fast Fire 3 - #6-32 x 3/8" IP15 (equal length)
(#9) Carbon Cap - #6-32 x 5/16" IP15 (equal length)
(#10) K Series 43/48 MOS Upgrade (Reference only) - Holosun OEM Screws trimmed to .400 OAL (These are the screws that come with your optic, not provided by JagerWerks)
All IP15 screws will come with the correct wrench for install
*We cannot confirm or deny if these screws work with other optic cuts. JagerWerks is not responsible if you strip out your optic cut, mount, etc. Professional install only by a certified gunsmith*
Some screws may have to be modified for fitment. Please contact JagerWerks or a certified gunsmith before attempting install of screws.
Does not work with MOS Glocks.
Does not work with Sig P365XL
We recommend a small amount of Blue 242 Loctite on each screw to prevent backing out.
Note* Please be careful when installing screws with the new Holosun EPS, tolerances can be slightly different and the screw caps come close to the glass. If JagerWerks does not do the installation we cannot guarantee fitment. Some optics and optic cuts require the screws that come with the optic from the original company.